Monday, August 16, 2021

I've lived to see the day!!

Biggest US reservoir declares historic shortage, forcing water cuts across west

           --headline in today’s Guardian (and lots of other places):

"Officials issue first-ever declaration of tier 1 shortage at Lake Mead as it falls to lowest level since its creation"

And aren’t the shades of the 1960’s water warriors rising up in their righteousness at the declaration that the Colorado River is officially water-short in the lower basin:

There’s Mike Ely of California, elevated high above his grave chortling over his victory at securing the priority of California’s Colorado River allotment regardless of anybody else—no cuts for his masters.

And rumplestiltskin-like Wayne Aspinall of Colorado, hopping up and down—“I told you so! I told you so! I told you there wouldn’t be enough water.”

And Washington’s Henry Jackson serenely contemplating from on high the full-flowing Columbia, untapped by pipes from the Columbia to Lake Mead in order to service Los Angeles and Pinal County farmers.

And the Arizonans, as always at each others’ throats, roaring about how they were cheated of their fair share of the Colorado — “I got my canal; who cares if its not full”, boasts Carl Hayden, slapping down the states-righters. “We did the best we could”, chorus the Udall brothers — “It was those damn anti-dam people”; “It was those insatiable Californians." “It was the Northwest refusing to share its bounty — we’re glad its burning.”

And Floyd Dominy, roasting in his own special hot spot: “They should have let me build my dams; I would have saved the world.”

And David Brower, well, I bet he is off somewhere in the mountains, scaling still another peak. I hope so.

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