What does "Greater Grand Canyon" mean?

When President Biden proclaimed Baaj Nwaavjo I'tah Kukveni National Monument , what had been latent became commanding.

Since the 1880s, bits and pieces of the Grand Canyon have been recognized in various ways, e.g. tribal Reservations, Forest reserves,  Monuments.  "The Baaj" (excuse my liberty) is a conceptual, as well as protective, addition. It recognizes the intertwining of Grand Canyon's federal and tribal lands. The different pieces now lay out a protective mosaic of ownership, rising above the individual to recognize that the topographic, geological, conceptual Grand Canyon has many human, many political, stewards. In turn, those stewardships cohere into a format with the Grand Canyon as a joint responsibility and treasure such that a welcoming presence is created, warming us by the glow that is the physical Canyon, recognizable in its new figuration as the transcendent concept of the Greater Grand Canyon. 

It may never be a bounded legal entity on a map. It will forever be the guide to the responsibilities we all share to understand its message as icon of environmental health in this anthropocentric time. Its influence can sharpen our vision of a supportive environment locally, nationally, globally. 

The following provides links to blogposts about the Greater Grand Canyon and related matters. Click a non-black line (it will change color) to read an item, then close it to return to this list.

How the Greater Grand Canyon came about -- my idiosyncratic take,   September 2023.

  Start with my paean introducing The Baaj:

This summary history is in four parts: A preface

Part one: Start-ups and Misfires

Part two: THE Hinge Year

Part three: Building a Park and Repatriating Lands

Part Four: New century; New moves

Before the Monument, a significant name change:

     Havasupai !! Gardens

Secretary of the Interior Haaland's name changing committee

   was an inspiration. My hand is up!   

More below!


Some of Baaj Nwaavjo Itah Kukveni's gestation story:

  Representive Raul Grijalva (Dem. from southern Arizona) had been working on Canyon protection (from mining, for instance) and bringing tribal representation to critical land managment for 15 year.

  Credit goes to Congressman Grijalva

The Associated Tribes were strong on this one, reported the media:

  Tribes voice support for new Canyon Monument

I wondered if this was something bigger:

  The Sky is Cracking Open  Yes?

And a great opportunity is coming to celebrate this elevation and widening embrace, of Canyon, of peoples, of the future. 

January 3 2025:  The Double Diamond Anniversary of President Ford signing (what should be re-named, Secretary Haaland):

Grand Canyon National Park and Havasupai Land Enlargement Act of 1975

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